Surrey Arts Trail at RSPB Heathland

The University for the Creative Arts at Farnham joins with Surrey Arts to support artists’ work on the lovely RSPB site at Heathland, just outside Farnham. Located at the Rural Life Museum, from 27th June there is a trail across the sandy stretches, with heather and silver birch trees - interspersed with works of art. Formerly a plantation of Scots Pine, this area is being managed to increase its biodiversity and specifically its birdlife. The inspiration for my piece came from the natural layered hedging seen at Heathland. Not only do these layered hedges provide pleasing natural fencing but they also provide a sanctuary for wildlife.

Woven Landscape, ceramic, 100 x 40 cm.


Postgraduate Show 24th August - 2nd September 2024


Ceramics in the City - Sept 2023